OrbiMed VC
Investments by market, targeted sectors and preferred funding rounds
Name - OrbiMed
Web - http://www.orbimed.com/
Description - From biopharmaceuticals to medical devices, digital health, diagnostics, and healthcare services, OrbiMed is scouting the globe for innovations that will help ensure humanity lives healthier, longer and more productive lives.
Investor Type - VC
Preferred rounds -
Location - New York,
Investments by industry
biotech - 70%
hardware - 10%
healthtech - 20%
Number of investments: 10
OrbiMed invested in Ventyx Biosciences during a round worth $114,000,000 - 3/9/2021
OrbiMed invested in Century Therapeutics during a round worth $160,000,000 - 3/4/2021
OrbiMed invested in Evox Therapeutics during a round worth £69,200,000 - 2/18/2021
OrbiMed invested in Delfi Diagnostics during a round worth $100,000,000 - 1/13/2021
OrbiMed invested in Visen Pharmaceuticals during a round worth $150,000,000 - 1/9/2021
OrbiMed invested in Adagio Therapeutics during a round worth $80,000,000 - 11/10/2020
OrbiMed invested in Cytek Biosciences during a round worth $120,000,000 - 11/5/2020
OrbiMed invested in Gracell Biotechnologies during a round worth $100,000,000 - 10/29/2020
OrbiMed invested in Azura Ophthalmics during a round worth $20,000,000 - 10/26/2020
OrbiMed invested in VectivBio during a round worth $110,000,000 - 10/19/2020